"Sometimes while I'm talking to God, He'll show me something about myself in such a way that I have to laugh at my own humanity and how funny I must look to Him." - Donna

Donna...just found your blog...I absolutely love it! And I love your singing! I'm at work right now and it was just exactly what I needed to hear to help me make it through tonight! Thanks for your ministry here!
- Robert

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Joyful Moment - One Lovely Blog Award

I received the One Lovely Blog Award. 

Here are the rules for accepting this award: 

• Thank the person who nominated you for the award. 

Thank you, April Boyer, for blessing me today. 

• Add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post. 

 • Share 7 things about yourself.
 • Nominate up to 15 bloggers you admire and inform the nominees by commenting on their blog. 

7 things people might not know about me: 

1. I used to live across the street from a Native American Mound. 
2. I first sung in front of the church at the age of 9. 
3. I have at the very least six books started at any given time. 
4. I love to cook. I don't like to clean up. 
5. I have become a Bird Nerd and have multiple feeders and camera ready.  
6. I went to the top of the St. Louis Arch.  
7. I usually have over a dozen Christmas trees in my house.  

Now to nominate other bloggers deserving of this award. All of these are truly lovely and worth discovering. 

http://kit-grady.blogspot.com/ (Kit Grady Creations) 
http://aheart4heaven.blogspot.com/ (Elaine Bridge - A Heart 4 Heaven)

There were many more I could have nominated, but I'm sure the love will spread from here. Congratulations, fellow blogging friends. Pass on the blessing. 

1 comment:

Elaine L. Bridge said...

Oh, Donna! I am so honored to have been nominated for this award! It means all the more to me because you have been so inspirational in my life, as a church leader, a friend, a writing coach...and the one who got me started blogging in the first place! Thank you, thank you, for this and all the many blessings I've received from you in life! Love you!

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